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Ai Wei Wei. Ton Of Tea
William Burgess. Female Head in Profile
Viking Stick Pin
Three Bronze Spearheads
Six Stone Axeheads
Seamus Murphy 1
Seamus Murphy 2
Seamus Murphy 3
Rachel Parry 2
Rachel Parry 1
Penrose Collection
National Sculpture Factory 1
National Sculpture Factory 2
Maud Cotter
Lismore Castle Arts
Linda Quinlan
Joseph Higgins 2
Joseph Higgins 2
Ironstone, China 19th. C.
Harland & Wolf Staircase Detail
Eilis O'Connell
Cork Horns 3
Christ Crucified Cartoon
Chinese Rose Balusters
Canova Cast 1
Canova Cast 2
Bronze Age Food Vessel
Blackpool Church Baptisimal Font
Battle of Kinsale Sword, Detail
19th Century Cork Decanter
19th C..Asparagus Thongs
18th C. Lace Piece
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